International Yoga Day 21st June

The United Nations recognized the practice of yoga in 2014, and since then, June 21 has been observed globally as the International Day of Yoga. The UN believed it was crucial to promote yoga—a wellness practice that originated in ancient India—globally due to its shown advantages for both physical and mental well-being.

Why do we celebrate yoga on International Yoga Day 21st June, and what does it mean?

An ancient Indian physical, mental, and spiritual discipline is yoga. The verb “yoga” (sanskrit) means “to join” or “to unite,” referring to the fusion of the mind and body.

It is being done in a variety of forms all around the world and is growing in popularity.

Acknowledging its global appeal, the United Nations declared June 21, 2014, as the International Yoga Day 21st June by resolution 69/131 on December 11, 2014.

The goal of the International Day of Yoga is to raise global awareness of the many benefits of practicing yoga.

Prime Minister of India Makes a Critical Attempt

An Important Try by an Indian A record 175 member states backed the draft resolution that established the International Day of Yoga, which was proposed by Prime Minister India. Prime Minister Narendra Modi first suggested the concept in his speech to open the 69th session of the General Assembly, saying, “Yoga is an invaluable gift from our ancient tradition.” Yoga symbolizes the integration of mind and body, as well as thought and action, making it a holistic approach that is good for our health and well-being.Finding your sense of oneness with the universe, yourself, and nature can be achieved through yoga. It is more than just an exercise program.

“The importance of individuals and populations making healthier choices and adhering to lifestyle patterns that foster good health” is addressed in the resolution. In addition, the World Health Organization has urged its member countries to help their citizens reduce physical inactivity because it is a significant risk factor for non-communicable diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer, which is among the world’s top 10 causes of death.

However, yoga is more than just a workout, According to the late B. K. S. Iyengar, “yoga cultivates the means of keeping a balanced attitude in day-to-day living and endows skill in the performance of one’s deeds.”

Since June 21 is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and has special meaning for many people worldwide, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi proposed holding an annual Day of Yoga on this day in his September 2014 UN address.

On June 21, 2015, people all throughout the world marked the first International Day of Yoga. Thousands of people, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and officials from other countries, performed 21 asanas (yoga poses) for 35 minutes during the historic event, which took place on Rajpath in New Delhi, India.

The Intangible Cultural Heritage of Yoga

In 2016, yoga was included to the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity Representative List. The fundamental principles behind the age-old Indian discipline of yoga have shaped many facets of Indian society, including the arts, education, and health and medicine. The principles of yoga are deeply ingrained in the community’s culture, with the goal of promoting improved mental, spiritual, and physical welfare via the unification of the mind with the body and soul.

Since the day’s founding in 2015, every International Day of Yoga is listed on this list.

2015 International Yoga Day 21st June

On June 21, 2015, people all throughout the world marked the first International Day of Yoga. Thousands of people, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and officials from other countries, performed 21 asanas (yoga poses) for 35 minutes during the historic event, which took place on Rajpath in New Delhi, India. The Delhi event set two Guinness world records: one for the most participants per nationality (84), and another for the largest yoga session (35,985 participants).In India, the AYUSH Ministry made the required preparations.

2016 International Yoga Day 21st June

On June 20 and 21, 2016, festivities were arranged at the UN by India’s Permanent Mission to the UN. Taking center stage was a unique program called “Conversation with Yoga Masters – Yoga for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals”. The keynote speaker during the function was Sadhguru (Jaggi Vasudev).Baba Ramdev also held a massive yoga camp in June 2016 to mark International Yoga Day, and Union Minister Arun Jaitley hailed the Yoga guru for reviving the ancient Indian saying that “Baba Ramdev has greatly contributed to the revival of yoga and has raised awareness of its benefits” is a common practice.

2017 International Yoga Day 21st June

Along with 51,000 other attendees, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi took part in the event in Lucknow and practiced yoga. Numerous Indian business executives also attended the function. Thousands of people flocked to Times Square in New York to practice yoga. A Parliamentary League was established in Japan in April 2017 specifically for the purpose of promoting yoga beforehand. In the Chinese city of Wuxi, 10,000 people attended the biggest assembly to date. The event was held on June 25 in Athens as part of Greek Open Yoga Day , and on June 18 in Kyiv, it drew a few hundred attendees. Participants in Ireland gathered in Dublin’s City Hall round room. “Yoga for Health”.

2018 International Yoga Day 21st June

The Forest Research Institute served as the venue for the Dehradun event. On the occasion of International Yoga Day’s fourth anniversary, PM Modi oversaw 50,000 volunteers. “Yoga for Peace” was the 2018 theme. At a yoga class in Kota, Rajasthan, more than 100,000 individuals joined together to practice yoga, setting a Guinness World Record for the city.

2019 International Yoga Day 21st June

India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, led a gathering of over 40,000 people to the major event held in Ranchi on the occasion of the fifth International Yoga Day, which was enthusiastically observed throughout the country. “Yoga for Heart” was the event’s theme that year. The prime minister of India spoke to the crowd at this occasion, emphasizing the benefits of yoga for mental, physical, and social well-being as well as for the environment. He declared, “Let our motto be – Yoga for peace, harmony, and progress.” Furthermore, he declared that the government would endeavor to integrate yoga as a cornerstone into the “preventive healthcare and wellness” framework.

2020 International Yoga Day 21st June

“Yoga at Home and Yoga with the Family” was the 2020 day’s theme. On this occasion, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi received a video message from Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov.

2021 International Yoga Day 21st June

The day in 2021 had “Yoga for well-being” as its topic. In lieu of in-person yoga classes because to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Indian delegation to the UN arranged an online celebration on UN WebTV.

2022 International Yoga Day 21st June

The eighth International Yoga Day was observed across India, but the primary celebration took place in Mysore, where Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi assembled a throng of more than 15,000 people at the Mysore Palace Premises. This year’s event had “Yoga for humanity” as its subject.

2023 International Yoga Day 21st June

International Yoga Day 2023 saw the conduct of a historic yoga event at the U.N. Headquarters in New York, spearheaded by Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India. Prominent figures from around the globe, including Hollywood actor Richard Gere, Mayor of New York City Eric Adams, and current UN General Assembly President Csaba Korosi, were present. This year, ‘Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ is the topic. “One Earth · One Family · One Future” or “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”

2024 International Yoga Day 21st June

The 10th International Day of Yoga’s theme this year is “Yoga for Self and Society.” Yoga is a transformative activity that symbolizes the harmony of mind and body, the balance between thinking and action, and the oneness of restraint and satisfaction. It provides a holistic approach to health and wellbeing, uniting the body, mind, spirit, and soul to soothe our hectic life.

Who founded Yoga Day?

2015. On June 21, 2015, the first International Day of Yoga was proclaimed under the subject “Yoga for Harmony and Peace” by Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.

What is the theme of International Yoga 2024?

The topic for 2024’s International Yoga Day is “Yoga for Self and Society.” This topic highlights how practicing yoga can improve both an individual’s well-being and society as a whole. The topic acknowledges that self-care and inner peace are essential components of a happy and healthy life.


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